House Church
To live into this purpose House Churches will use the Bible as their blueprint for how best to do this. Thankfully, we have a great example of this in the early church. We see in the book of Acts how authentic, organic biblical community can and should look.

Purely Biblical
Just like the early church in Acts, the Bible will be the foundation for how we gather and encourage one another, grow and equip as disciples, and go and engage others in our communities.

The early church was raw and authentic, inviting people to come as they are. They had ups and downs. We are no different. When we gather together we embrace one another no matter where we’re at in our journey.

Open Groups
Just like The Church House would have open arms on a Sunday morning to anyone who walked in the doors, House Churches will always accommodate anyone wanting to join.

and Cross-cultural
No matter one’s age, marital status, children or no children, ethnicity or origin House Churches are a blended mix of everyone who makes up that community.

The people who live and engage in close proximity to one another make up that community. People are more likely to engage in a House Church with people who live in their everyday communities.
House Churches
- Have Shepherds
- are devoted to Fellowship
- celebrate Communion
- are devoted to Worshipping God.
- are devoted to the Scriptures
- are devoted to Prayer
- Give generously
- Make Disciples
- Baptize new believers
Shepherds exercise their pastoral gifts to lead others into a closer relationship with Jesus and a better understanding of their identity as a disciple of Christ.
Fellowship is sharing all things in common and living out a life of faith with other believers.
Communion is recognizing Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross as the covering of our sins and the remembrance of His broken body and shed blood through the elements (the bread and the cup).
Worship is glorifying God for who He is and what He has done, alone or with others, overflowing from our hearts to our words, songs, and actions.
The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is our guide for daily living.
Prayer is personal communication with God, both individually and with other believers.
Giving is an essential aspect of worship that involves our time, talent, and treasure.
Making disciples is leading others into an eternal relationship with Jesus Christ and teaching them to walk in obedience to His teachings, including making other disciples.
Baptism is a public confession of our faith to trust and follow Jesus by water immersion as a symbol of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.